Friday, July 25, 2008

Work and things like it..

so this is yet another post to the not so "exciting" Nathaniel's blog. I Don't really have much to say I really want to get a new bike I have a 1979 Giant ten speed that I'm converting into a "fixie" as we speek But I do want to get a true track bike something new and "pretty" so to speak. there are a lot of opt's but there is a lack in quality that I've found. it bad because the highest quality bike that I've found is with the "bianchi Pista" but the thing with that bike that is frustrating that I feel as though I'm just some trend kid that is by far the single most popular track bike right now, everyone has one. But I'm huge on customizing so I can definitly make is stand out. either way I just really want one one a little smaller, a little more versital. the "GIANT" bike is actually what it says it is GIANT!!!! I ride 54cm 55cm that bike is 59cm easy.
I'm working roughly by the end of the week 20 hours overtime, that is a lot but we need to get justine a camera and a bike and I need a bike, I want to really get a swobo sanchez complete. 645.00 will get me a full I think thats what I'll go with sorry im a work so no pix's yet but very soon. I'm totally tired and stuck here for 3 more hours ugh... off soon please!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Hello again, I don't use this thing as I should but I just found that I can use this on my work computer so I can kill two birds with my fist... I am going to California on the 10th and 11th of August with my friends for my bachelor party it is going to loads of fun especially due to the unfortunate side effect of adult hood that is called "no more time" So for us to be able to all spend time with the other for a longer period of time is a tremendous change from the norm... I think I might get hives from it, or at least shingles.
We are going to six flags and the beach which is good, I don't have a lot of experience with roller coasters under my belt so this may be interesting but I'm looking to add a few notches in my bed post, drew is putting this all together due to his "best man" satus that I nobly knighted him with. I have nothing but good things to say about andrew, He has been with me for a long time by my side we have been through a great deal together and I've learned a lot from his personality and loyalty. the one thing that i can say is that if you really care about anyone or anything and want them or it to work properly you have to stay loyal and actually try with it. I know this from personal experience.
thats all for now I am going to post later about some peddling investments i plan to take advantage of in the very near future.